The sign below read as follows:
Your feet are being place through which both negative and positive ions enter the body. These ions generate a series of vibrations and stimulate system of body’s elimination releasing build up toxins. You will have improved cardiovascular and metabolic function by having an aqua detox treatment. The others benefits are reducing your occurrences on inflammation, headaches, menstrual cramping, or skin disorders.
So says them!
Aqua Detox International claims that the apparatus "produces a frequency of positive and negative ions, which gently resonates through the body and stimulates all the cells within it. . . . rebalancing the cellular energy, enabling the cells to perform efficiently and . . . release any toxins that may have built up." Many skeptics suspected that the color change produced by the Aqua Detox was caused by rust (oxidized iron), rather than toxins.
The mere thought of this treatment proved disgusting to every member of my family. Watch this and see if you disagree:
I would suggest running this machine with and without feet to compare the difference. Common sense would tell you that the water should be clear in the empty machine.