It involves a little known research project that was discovered over 60 years ago by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. When the HCG complex is taken with a certain diet, massive fat loss begins!
... produce a fat burning chain of events inside your body that is so effective it will transform your shape (and your wardrobe) in just 42 days, boasts http://www.prohcgdiet.com/
Pros Of HCG Diet Drops For Weight Loss:
- HCG Diet Drop is an accelerator of metabolism. It burns fat into calories that speed up the metabolic rate higher than normal.
- Hcg suppresses your appetite without making you impoverished.
- This glycoprotein hormone should be consumed or injected in to the body everyday at the standard range of 125 i.u. to 200 i.u.
- The very low calorie diet is the prime requirement of this hormone. 500 calorie a day will increase the performance of Hcg.
- Hcg detox the body and also restrict further fat loading.
- Hcg helps to shed 1-3 lbs everyday. So, In less than a month, users can get a drop pf 40 lbs.
Cons Of HCG Diet Drops For Weight Loss:
Improper administration and over dosage of Hcg might lead to nausea, abdomen pain and mild headache.
Hcg homeopathic diet drops is possibly the best way to infuse this hormone in the body and it is the best for HCG weightloss. Users can easily get 1- 2 Oz ampules of green Hcg sub lingual drops over the counter in drug stores. Lets’ see why the diet drops are popular than injections:
Source: http://www.hcgdangers.com/Improper administration and over dosage of Hcg might lead to nausea, abdomen pain and mild headache.
Hcg homeopathic diet drops is possibly the best way to infuse this hormone in the body and it is the best for HCG weightloss. Users can easily get 1- 2 Oz ampules of green Hcg sub lingual drops over the counter in drug stores. Lets’ see why the diet drops are popular than injections:
- Taken under the tongue for 3 times a day before meal.
- 10 to 48 drops per day will shed 1-3 pounds of body weight.
- Involves no pain and muscle cramps like shots.
- Requires no mixing.
- Self help with the consumption of the diet drops.
What follows are two videos which give further information mixed with opinion and personal experience.
HCG Diet Plan Exposed. Fad Diet Or Real Deal?
HCG Diet Dubbed Miracle; Some Doctors Say it's Dangerous!