Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The HCG Diet: Fad Diet Or Real Deal?

The following is selected information which will help you make a more informed choice about the HGC diet. Remember, you should ALWAYS check with your doctor before engaging in any significant diet especially if you are diabetic

It involves a little known research project that was discovered over 60 years ago by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. When the HCG complex is taken with a certain diet, massive fat loss begins!

... produce a fat burning chain of events inside your body that is so effective it will transform your shape (and your wardrobe) in just 42 days,

Pros Of HCG Diet Drops For Weight Loss:
  • HCG Diet Drop is an accelerator of metabolism. It burns fat into calories that speed up the metabolic rate higher than normal.
  • Hcg suppresses your appetite without making you impoverished.
  • This glycoprotein hormone should be consumed or injected in to the body everyday at the standard range of 125 i.u. to 200 i.u.
  • The very low calorie diet is the prime requirement of this hormone. 500 calorie a day will increase the performance of Hcg.
  • Hcg detox the body and also restrict further fat loading.
  • Hcg helps to shed 1-3 lbs everyday. So, In less than a month, users can get a drop pf 40 lbs.
Cons Of HCG Diet Drops For Weight Loss:

Improper administration and over dosage of Hcg might lead to nausea, abdomen pain and mild headache.

Hcg homeopathic diet drops is possibly the best way to infuse this hormone in the body and it is the best for HCG weightloss. Users can easily get 1- 2 Oz ampules of green Hcg sub lingual drops over the counter in drug stores. Lets’ see why the diet drops are popular than injections:
  • Taken under the tongue for 3 times a day before meal.
  • 10 to 48 drops per day will shed 1-3 pounds of body weight.
  • Involves no pain and muscle cramps like shots.
  • Requires no mixing.
  • Self help with the consumption of the diet drops.
“I don’t think the HCG is approved or effective in and of itself but you follow the diet they give and you’re going to lose weight on that. You’re going to lose a pound a week on that kind of calorie count, if not more.” says Dr. Steve Bissette, a physician at Maplewood Family Practice in Winston-Salem.

What follows are two videos which give further information mixed with opinion and personal experience.

HCG Diet Plan Exposed. Fad Diet Or Real Deal?

HCG Diet Dubbed Miracle; Some Doctors Say it's Dangerous!

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Understanding Bulimia!

Bulimia nervosa affects up to 4.2 percent of the females in the U.S. If you find yourself needing to vomit after you eat, it's time to get some help. Watch this video for more information, including help with bulimia recovery and more on other eating disorders.

Please see the chart below on what happens to someone who has bulimia?

This video is about a girl, like 8 million others, who suffer from Bulimia and other eating disorders. It is for all the people out there suffering from their own worst enemy: eating disorder. For all the voices lost to a society too quick to judge them. I hope the message this video conveys will open the eyes to the people who are fortunate not to have ED, but are able to lend a helping hand to help those in need of it.

If you know someone with bulimia, you can help. Follow these steps from the National Eating Disorders Association:

  • Set a time to talk. Set aside a time to privately talk about your concerns with your friend. Be open and honest. Make sure you talk in a place away from distractions.
  • Tell your friend about your concerns. Tell your friend about specific times when you were worried about her eating or exercise behaviors. Explain that you think these things may show a problem that needs professional help.
  • Ask your friend talk about these concerns. She could talk to a counselor or doctor who knows about eating issues. If you feel comfortable, offer to help your friend make an appointment or go with her to her appointment.
  • Avoid conflicts or a battle of the wills with your friend. If your friend doesn’t admit to a problem, repeat your feelings and the reasons for them. Be a supportive listener.
  • Don’t place shame, blame, or guilton your friend. Do not use accusatory “you” statements like, “You just need to eat.” Or, “You are acting irresponsibly.” Instead, use “I” statements like, “I’m concerned about you because you refuse to eat breakfast or lunch.” Or, “It makes me afraid to hear you vomiting.”
  • Avoid giving simple solutions. Don’t say, "If you'd just stop, then everything would be fine!"
  • Express your continued support. Remind your friend that you care and want her to be healthy and happy.

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Celebrity weight loss Before and after photos!

Hilary Duff before and after:

Jennifer Lopez before and after:

Nicole Richie before and after:

Jennifer Connelly before and after:

Tori Spelling before and after:

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Kirstie Alley on Her Dramatic Weight Loss!

Kirstie appears on "The View" and talks about her new "bod" and how she carved it herself! She says that dancing had a lot to do with it. In the photo to the right, Kirstie Alley was spotted as she left her hotel in Tribeca New York the other day – and on this occasion, Kirstie opted for a tight grey dress that showed off the results of her weight loss.

Check this out:
An animated Kirstie Alley introduces the Organic Liaison weight loss program, which features the first USDA approved organic weight loss product.

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