Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Dangers of MSG!

Here is a video series on the flavor enhancer MSG or monosodium glutamate (E621) showing the hidden danger in our food today. MSG is used in thousands of products, such as snacks, soups, sauces, meats, flavored potato chips and most Chinese food.

Trade names of MSG include Ajinomoto, Vetsin and Accent. MSG is 'hidden' in many other names, such as yeast extract, hydrolised protein and flavoring.

MSG makes your food taste better but it's NOT safe!

The harmful effects of MSG include heart problems, cancer, ADHD, autism, growth disruptions, learning disorders, behavioral problems, obesity, hormonal imbalance, damage to the retina, etc.

Part 1 'The Hidden Danger in Your Food'

Part 2a 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy'

Part 2b 'Your Brain's Biggest Enemy'

Part 3 'MSG, Cancer & Your Heart'

Part 4 'Avoiding the MSG Threat'

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